lunes, 21 de mayo de 2012

Surprise accurate

What a night! I went to bed at three o'clock, but it sure was worth it. I took a shower of hot and cold water, so as not freeze me and to wake up. Then I drank a coffee, enlisted my suitcase and go to college. Luckily, I woke up on time this morning and I wasn't late.
Again later, I fell asleep again. I had to wash my hair this morning and I could not do. But even if I didn't make up me at least I got a little bit of mascara, I look like a light bulb by slept much. Ah, what a trouble, I did not study for the exam, the final exam! Sure I'll lose that subject again, it means, I will lose the semester.
Each classroom at the University is different: some are hot, others cold. Well, not the room, I'm shivering by sleep deprivation. But it is necessary, I must get the scholarship back. Well, I‘ll study some more while the teacher comes. How odd, she is more punctual than an ugly girlfriend, and she is very ugly. Ha. It's five minutes past seven, this is strange.
Good heavens!, it's five minutes past seven and this Transmilenio is as usual, it's annoying! “Hey, mister, you move a little, you are push me.” I hope that my makeup does not break. Sure that ghastly teacher has no idea what is a good Lancome. Sure she does not sleep and now she is dictating the test questions. Well, excuse me, please, you move, I get off here. Hell, it is 7 and quarter.
Are you the English IV student's, Rita Camelo student's?”
Yeah”, students say in chorus.
I come from the deanship to announce you that Rita is sick. It was a surprise. Look... the test is postponed by a week.”
Well, there must be. While studying enough, never enough, and I can take this week to study more. The downside is that it will cross with the final work of Germanic Philology I. It's funny, neither did Vanessa arrived. Later, but she always comes to class. And neither she appeared for studied with me. And I did not believe that Vanessa and the teacher be friends. Ha, ha ...
What's up, Jairito? I almost didn't arrive. What happened? Was there no test? Have you finished? It's only 7 and twenty-five.”
Hi, Vanessa. Be calm, Herminia of the deanship came and told us that Rita was sick and the examination was postponed.”
Lucky me, bro. I had not studied one bit. Jairito, please, help me a little. Look, if I lose this subject I will lose the semester.”
Well, okay. This is my new phone number. Call me.”
Oh, thank you. Where are you going now?”
To the library. I will ...”
Oh, wait, there goes Yenny ... See you. I call it.”
Tuesday again, English IV exam again and I don't have study again. If I hadn't gone with Jenny supposedly to study on Saturday, sure I would not have finish at this party. If I had called to Jairo, I sure would have studied with him. But no. And yesterday, instead of studying, I began to waste time on Facebook. But hey, to each his own, to Jairo books and to me chat rooms. Ha. Well, dear, let's face the world. Let's see, what time is it? It's five minutes to seven in the morning, and I am arriving to college. I can not believe. I didn't studied but I came earlier than usual. “Good morning, Rita.” Yikes, I hope to get lucky. How odd, Jairo has not arrived.
Jairo, Jairo, son...”
Hmm, what happened?”
Son, it's five minutes to seven in the morning. You don't have to go to college?”
Oh, yeah, yeah. Thanks, Mom. I was studying late last night and I was late.”
Well, I’m going now. I left you alone. You will find the breakfast in the kitchen.”
I'm late. And this is the most important day. Well, I will take a quick shower. No. Well, yes, I smell like a monkey. And I will eat something or at eleven o'clock I will die. Let's see ... No way! I did not ask money to my mom... And I just reached for a bus ticket. Well, breathe, relax. The important thing is to get the test. Oh, no, the bus is delayed, what happens .... Hmmm. No, no, no. I left the Philology's work. If I do not hand in today, Elkin will does not receive me. I get off the bus. But without money? Well, I will go by bike. “Excuse me, excuse me.” The bus is full. “Sir, here, over here. And the keys? No way, I left the keys. It's a five to eight. CAN NOT BE. Well, let me see if the spare keys are here. Yes, they are, thank goodness. Done. OK: helmet, vest, bike and run... And now... rain, rain, and a hole... can not be... a hole, Ahhhh! It's a quarter to nine in the morning. No, I did not arrive. Well, I will try. At least I will talk to Rita. No. Impossible. The worst thing is that today she must submit grades. I lost the subject, I lost the average. Let me see, I should call someone. And the phone? No I lost the phone! NO, NO, NO.

Hi, Jairito, what happened yesterday?”
Ah... Hi, Vanessa. The chaos. Until I lost my phone. Will you look at the grades?”
Yes, I'm here for that. Rita said yesterday that posted on the door of his office.”
“Well... Can not be?”
What happened, Jairito?”
I got 4.8. Rita absolve me the test. Thank goodness! What about you, Vanessa?”
Ha, ha, I got 3.2. I reached 4.8 in the test. I will not lose this semester.
Good! You was studying very hard.”
Ha, ha. You are always so optimistic. I just was luck... Oh, there goes Yenny... See you, Jairito.”
Yes, of course, and as this semester, while I'm the effort, you are the comfort.”

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