miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2012

David Sánchez
Julio Cesar Cortes
Alejandro Pinto
David Rivas.

One day like whatever weekend, we were in front of the houses complex with Cesar, my best friend. We were talking about the plans when we finish the BS. I said that I wish I had enough knowledge to apply for a scholarship In US, but the problem was that I speak a little bit English. In the other hand, Cesar, my friend would to work as a research assistant in some projects in the university. Words by words, we talk about our plans for the next two years.
We start walking over the sidewalk between the complex and the park, when we saw a big brown dog crossing the street with no, Cesar start whistle -shhhhh little dog, come on “sparkie”- always we do that to start annoying mongrels, obviously the dog approaches to us trying to answer Cesar’s calls, but when the dog were near to us, we notice that their eyes were blotchy. We ask ourselves, if the dog had dog rabies, because the dog got saliva over the neb also red eyes and a horrible aspect. In that moment we think that the dog was dangerous, but the dog just asks for food we understand that because the dog try to suck a plastic of a sandwich.
Cesar and I with caution try to petting the dog and we carry on to the bakery and we buy some smooth bread to the dog. While we feeds the dog, we understand that the dog were missed some days before and the saliva and blotchy eyes shows his hard life away home.
What we should do? I asked to Cesar. was obvious that not many people would want to pick up the dog because it was very bad. smelly, dirty and needed careful. however I could not leave it lying in the street I have always loved animals and always wanted to have one in my house, but my parents would not let me have it, my house was the perfect place to take it and wait for it to recover, with great space, trees and a lot of ground so he could run and have so much fun, so I decided to take it with me. thought in my mind what will  say my mom when she see this poor dog? Going to kill me!!! but not matter I feel I must take it.
Cesar accompanied me, he knew that I need his help for to give it a bath, and perhaps to think that we would give to eat during the day, also needed their support at the time my parents saw the newest member of the family, that would be difficult I thought as we were going my way home.

2 comentarios:

  1. Ok, that's good start, but I noticed some mistakes on spelling and grammar that I'd like you to check out, in addition, I missed your report, remember that the idea is not only to start writing in a blog, but also to follow the guidelines and check and respect the deadlines for handing in the different stages and advances of the project.

  2. Ok, guys, I acknowledge the receptio od your task, but I wonder why there are not advances in the blig, amd I'm not sure about how would your story would finish or how it would go, as it's quite hard to understand, it looks as if you were using translators, and these affect writing, because they don't translate context or figures. Remember that the project has some guidelines and deadlines to meet, keep them in mind.


    Elkin Moreno
