miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2012

Bacteria: "the origin"

She was biking to her job, as always. When suddenly it started raining, but she was prepared for that. It was a normal day in her life, a day that would not change. Everything the same, everything boring as she used to think. Her name was Susy a little bacteria from Revod planet. She had a really common life as almost every one in her planet, and as it was pretty small they know each other well, something that really bothered her. Sometimes she wanted to be alone or could go to the supermarket in pijamas without worring about who will see her, but is was an impossible thing in such a small planet. 

She does not like the monotony on her life, as she woke up everyday, take a shower and shampoo her hair with philum acid. Then have some breakfast at Jonny place (her best friend), and go biking to her job. Where she did always the same, watching for the clocks of the police station, wind them, and clean them. I think it is important for you to know that as it was a bacterian planet it got dirty all time, anyway they did not get sick as they were bacterias too, but they needed to be clean.

She worked three long hours a day, and she got exausted. Revod planet is really far from the sun so they do not have a lot of sunshine, only five hours a day. It is important for all the bacterias to take at least two hours of sunshine, so they would not die. That is why Susy biked to her job so she could take more sunshine in less time. 

Bacterias from Revod planet live in small caves of solid carbon and nitrogen; and Susy is not the exception; she and the rest of bacterias feed principally of water and mutant algaes named “puibs”. The transport in this planet could be in bikes of uranium or big bubbles of metane, like a public service.

It was Tuesday, but not whatever Tuesday, It was Susy`s birthday number 999 in her life, she knew that she had to work, but she hoped that in the large night, her family and friends will celebrated with her that important day. However, in the middle of her job, she received a phonecall that changed the color blue of the sky into gray; her mother was very sick and need with urgency a doctor.

Susy came back to her house, called a doctor, looked for her savings and took a bubble, to arrive as soon as possible to her mother´s house. When she arrived, the doctor was attending her mother, and gave her a diagnosis: “Susy, your mother have a strange illness caused by eating puibs in poor condition. She will be ok if you give her a serie of medicines; those aren´t cheap, but is the only solution”.

She was saving some money to buy a new bike, " If mom hadn't eaten this puibs, I would have bought my bike" she thought, but then she thought in her mother and payed the medicine; then the doctor said to her that the treatment will be very large, Susy began felling worried.

At night she went to sleep and thought that althought it wasn't a good day, it was different. Perhaps next day will be same that in the past.
At next day, she woke up and sensed that something had changed. She went to the bath and then to the dinning room. She was amazed because she didn't saw anything. She wished that all were a dream, but not, she ran to her parents room and all was fine there. She recalled that she was forced to sell all the furniture from home, because she had to pay another part of the expensive medicine for her mother. She is so worried about this situation, but she has face the situation and just move on. She can not forget about her mother, but she can not just stop her life that easy. 

Susy wondered everyday about how to get more money for her mother medicine. One day she was really deseperate, and a coworker told to her about the beach, and how beautiful it was. She advice he ron going there to relax, and Susy considered it. As I told you before the planet was extremely small and she could go biking. Once there she wondered why being so closet o such beautiful place, she had not come before.

The little bacteria was contempling the wonderful landscape when sudenly a big and really weird ball apeared in the shy. It moved slowly and looked like if someone was controling it. She followed it until the ball stoped in a huge fabric. Outside was an old man bacteria and Susy asked him about the ball. He invited her to go inside, where she could see a lot of those kind of balls. They were of every color, size and shape.

The old man bacteria, Milo, explained to Susy that they were meteorites and he could control it by remoto, but some have gone outside the planet and are now flying in the univers. He told her that it was a great option to travel to other planets. He talked to Susy about green planets, poor planets, rich planets, planets full of flowers, planets with difirent shapes and talked talked talked. No matter what else he said after hearing about rich planets Susy was sure she needed one of those.

1 comentario:

  1. Very good! Your story seems very good and quite interesting. However, there were some guidelines that were not followed and affect your final product. Check the file sent to your emails which contains several corrections to be considered for improvement.


    Elkin Moreno
