jueves, 31 de mayo de 2012

My first day at Nacho: summary

How many mistakes did you have, when you were a newbie?, this story is about simon´s firts day at Nacho, Simon was a newly graduated who thougth, that he knew all about the university stuff. he was possibly one of those that avoid the induction week for sluggishness and make real all the problems that a newbie could get. In this story Simon will confront the consequences of his haugthy and the fate will not be the only responsible.

lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012

David Sánchez
Julio Cesar Cortes
Alejandro Pinto
David Rivas.

One day like anyone, we were in front of our houses with Cesar, my best friend. We were talking about the plans when we finish the BS. I said that I wish I had enough knowledge to apply for a scholarship In US, but the problem was that I speak a little bit English. In the other hand, Cesar, my friend wanted to work as a research assistant in some projects in the university. Words by words, we talk about our plans for the next two years.
We started walking over the sidewalk between the complex and the park, when we saw a big brown dog crossing the dead end street, Cesar starts whistle -shhhhh little dog, come on “sparkie”- we always do that to start annoying mongrels, obviously the dog approach to us trying to answer Cesar’s calls, but when the dog were near to us, we notice that their eyes were blotchy. We asked ourselves, if the dog had dog rabies, because the dog got saliva over the neb also red eyes and a horrible aspect. In that moment we thought that the dog was dangerous, but the dog just asked for food we understand that because the dog tries to suck a plastic of a sandwich.
Cesar and I with caution tries to petting the dog and we carried on to the bakery and we bought some smooth bread to the dog. While we fed the dog, we understood that the dog was missed some days before and the saliva and blotchy eyes showed his hard life away home.
What we should do? I asked to Cesar. Were obvious that not many people would want to pick up the dog because it was very bad, was smelly, dirty and needed careful. But, I could not leave it lying in the street, I always loved animals and I always wanted to have one pet at home, but my parents would not let me have it, my house was the perfect place to take it and wait for it to recover, we have a great place with some trees and a lot of ground, so we can share time with the dog and have so much fun. In that way, I decided to rest the dog with me. I thought for myself, what it’s going to say my mom when she sees this poor dog? She will kill me!!! But, It doesn’t matter; I felt I must take it.
Cesar accompanied me, he knew that I needed his help to give it a bath, and perhaps to think that we would give to eat during the day, also I needed their support at the time my parents saw the newest member of the family, that would be difficult I thought as we were going my way home.
David took it to home; David spread used car il on the dog. Used car oil is used to remove strongest infections. After we removed the oil, David washed the dog with soap for dogs, because we wanted to let the dog clean to meet the parents. Obviously, that couldn’t have happened without the help of Cesar.

David father is a vet doctor that loves deeply animals especially dogs and cats. Doctor David Rivas Sanchez was very anxious about the dog. David the doctor, check over the dog and he found that the dog was a lightly sign of a cancer tumor in the right limb. They medicated some pills and told to his son that the dog needs to follow a medical procedure to prevent de development of cancer.

The pills and the medical procedure are so expensive to pay for a mongrel, but Sir David is a person that frequently helps mongrels and tries to help them. He knows a vet doctor, Alejandro Pinto, he usually recipes dog with diseases and help it with expensive treatments. David and mom comes to Alejandro’s clinic with the dog, Alejandro check it immediately and found that the tumor are very big and need to be operated as soon as possible.  

Mon and David felt that the dog is not going to survive, mom sais that when she saw the dog enter to the surgery room the dog looks deeply depressive and she starts crying because she felt that the dog start to loves new home and his owners.

 After four long hours thinking about dog’s surgery, Alejandro finished the procedure and he said that the dog probably wakes up in the next 3 hours with no problems. That notice give us some peaceful. We took some time to take lunch, but mom was impatient, so she entered after a couple of minutes to the room and start to talking with the dog about the plans that the family is going to do with the dog. She told to the dog that she would run out around a big lake with other dogs of the complex; play with a frisbee, etc. But, the most important thing, the dog is already a member of the family.
Immediately, the dog start to wake up and mom said that she understand the lovely look of the animal. She recognize that the affection are shared and the dog become relaxed, with a internal peace, that means that feel confidence to be part of a family could be the best way for any disease.
David, mom and Sir David Rivas found a mongrel that became the happiness, the center of attention, and the new member of the family. After some days David, found that the dog was a very smart dog and probably they received special training, the dog can sit, lay and goes for the ball. Cesar was jealous that David rest with the dog and Cesar buy one similar dog for him. After some months David and Cesar had to play together with two happy similar dogs that change our lives forever.

jueves, 24 de mayo de 2012

My first day at Nacho: Final version

Today was my first class day at National University. I didn’t go to the induction week, but that’s not a problem, because it’s for newbie people, and I went there twice before my graduation; indeed I know the important places there. I thought today it’s going to be amazing! When I did my schedule I didn’t take newbie´s classes, I chose some interesting class, and I will meet many people from different semesters. My first class was at 7 o’clock and I woke up after my mom says: “Simon, wake up! You’re going to be late!” After I took my breakfast, I went to the avenue to take the bus, but I had to wait almost 30 minutes, because they came so full and no one stopped when I asked! Few, I finally get into a bus... OK, let's keep. When I was going to get in the university a guard asked me for my card, but I didn’t have it! I didn’t know that I must show it to enter, and I had to chat with him for a while to finally go to my class.
I had troubles finding the classroom, so I asked a student. After going where he said, I found there wasn’t anyone. I was sure it was Medicine Building, but maybe the classroom wasn’t 303. It was 8:00 AM and the class finishes at 10:00 AM.  I checked the schedule again. Oh God! The classroom was 309 and it was 8:15 am, however I could go before the class finishes. Finally, I found the classroom but it was full. I didn’t was nervous because was just a class and it would be easy, just like the school.
When I came inside the classroom, I said “Good morning, teacher”, and he answered to me
-Wait! Didn’t anyone teach you to knock the door? Boy, it would be good if you explain why you are late I’m sure you know which class is and who the teacher is”.
Obviously I knew what he was asking, and then I told him:
-This is Anatomy 1 class!
Then I heard a loud laugh from the students, and I couldn't understand why… I felt really bad. So the teacher said:
-This is Contemporary Colombia class, and I would like you to remember this is the Faculty of Human Sciences.
“Damn!” I felt so stupid… And I ran off to the Medicine Faculty… Finally I arrived to the classroom, the teacher was friendly with me and I sat down on a chair, one of the students was a beautiful girl near me. She looked so gorgeous! With her black hair, her red lips… but she looked a little weird, like hippie or something, but still sexy. I stared at her, and then I asked: Did class begin too long ago?
”No, it started late”, she said. “The teacher only has showed the program”.
When the class finished, I asked her: “What’s your name?” “Rosy” she said, and after I said my name to her, I invited her to have a coffee; I wanted to prove my seduction skills, with so beautiful girl… Well, we went to the restaurant and we were getting to know each other while we were doing the row. She told me she was in 5th semester of Medicine, and I told her this was my first day and I told her my “story”. Obviously, I didn`t tell the real story, because she would had thought I was an idiot. She was hungry, because she asked two chicken pies, one coffee, and chocolate dessert. I ordered a juice and other chicken pie. When we finished eating, she told me she had class, and asked me to wait her after class in the hall, because she wanted to show me an interesting place. I was really excited. “This day will be better than expected!” I thought, but after five minutes I noticed she had not paid her bill and I finished paying everything. I spend all my money, and I had no more for lunch. But it didn’t matters, because I had met the most beautiful girl and we had a date.
I waited for her in the place we agreed. And fifteen minutes later, she was going at the hall with some friends, I guess. “Hey, Rosy!” I said, she stared at me and said goodbye to them. “Oh, it’s you” said her, and she got closer to me. I didn’t say her about the bill I paid before, after all, it was a date and I had to be compliant.
We went to a dark room, and she lighted up it. “This is the dissecting room! If you would study medicine, you should know this” she said smiling, and I stared at her. “Is she kidding me?” I gave it no importance, and get closer to her. “So, that’s why you bring me here, or there’s another reason…” “There’s another reason, yes, but you must wait here. I’ll be back” and she went out of the room. Then I looked around, there was two bodies covered, how disgusting. And a moment after, the light get off and a noise started from somewhere… I was so scared! I didn’t know what was doing that noise, and without light I didn’t know what to do, and then, something moved.  And that thing came to me! A zombie! I screamed and knocked the door but nobody responded to me… And it was getting closer to me, I tried running, but he captured me, and hug me by the neck…
And a moment after, I heard a lot of laughs, the zombie, and Rosy and their friends… “Hey newbie, are you scared?” said the “zombie”, and I understood what happened. It was a joke. I looked at them, everyone clapping my back. Rosy looked at me, and said “Simon, do you need to be less haughty, or you will be object of jokes while you’re here… Welcome to the Nacho!”

A stormy night (final)

It was a dark, taciturn and agitated night. In the distance I heard the plaintive sound of rain hitting the leaves and the sunshine was drawn in the skyline. In my mind only passed a thing, a safe place for rest and cover myself from the inclement weather.

I ran desperately, my sweat was mixed with the rain that came suddenly covering my body, and I see forward and suddenly the night, the noise, the water, stopped as if nothing had happened, and then I could make out a revealing light. It could become my salvation; immediately in my mind was only the idea than that light would be my light at the end of tunnel.

Just after leaving of my thoughtful trance inside the idea's world, I started to run as never before, as fast as the Eagle than flew through sky and was my company in old times. Despite of big effort I stamped each one of my strides, my objective still looked far away and unreachable.

Nothing favored me, the time was getting worse and my constant trip with obstacles in the road made to weaken my legs, my back was weak, my heart was beating a thousand palpitations per second and my breath was every time less depth and more frequent, my ribs compressed and expanded, joined and separated, my body hurts.

I found myself in perspective; I remembered where I was and where I wanted to go. Who was and what I would do. I am a horse without name and nobody knows. I was in a Valley between two mountains, the water rose, I was tired and pursued a light in the top of a mountain, than I thought, it was my salvation. Oh my god!!! I had missed energy, I was lost, I thought that it would be better to relax and rest myself, thinking that mi time will come soon.

And so, I stayed immobile while the water rose, the rain increased and the wind roared.  Just the past images wrapped in images tending my fear of death and while the nature conjured to extinguish the flame of my short life, my memories made that in my eyes sprout tears.

My death was imminent, the cold water was immobilizing my muscles and I grinded my teeth. Suddenly the full moon went out, a moon that immediately sent me to the eyes of that beautiful woman who calmed my fears in childhood, she delivered me her love and understanding when I needed it, reminded me of those summer nights that we spent together side to side, she was my great friend for many years.

In those old days that were so good and the future that even would come, I refilled of encouragement and a smile crossed my face. Suddenly the cold became heat and the gray night, discouraged me so much, it took a strange color full of hope and a little more joy.
It wasn’t time surrender me, with new forces, I undertook again my course behind the light, that in my imagination was the salvation to the water rose and the harshnesses of climate than made my body weakened by each moment passed in the bad weather. Even I had a hard trip ahead, I had to conquer  an uphill path, the light found in the top of the big mountain that had like skin pasture covered and the thousand year old trees told past histories and was faithful witnesses, that despite of hard can became life with a little perseverance could grow and establish fulfilling aims, many storms like this would have passed and even so, they remained unchanged in the time, so it I should germinate like that small seed fell to soil long ago, have root strengthening; and to confront challenges and problems in this storm, it just one more I would have to confront in my life.

Continued running the forest giant that at times hid the moon and meanwhile I walked between Sharp bushes with thorns cut mi skin making it bleed, but nothing mattered, every time I was closer of light, then I felt heat that healed my wounds and cured my affliction, in comparison to this feeling it was clear the sky darkened a little more to the approached to dense mist that sprouted in that place.

Every time I walked over to the light and heavy fog had a smell of burning wood mixed with something that did not identify with every step I took, my helmets touched a viscous and thick. I come to light, but my world collapsed immediately and my hope converted into terror. My light was revelatory a huge bonfire, surrounded by dead blood poured from above, around that painting was a tribe with very red faces, sharp teeth and angry eyes, emitting groans jumping around the fire. Try to sneak away but my rear foot plot, a dead branch that creaked very strong and everyone was silent, staring in astonishment. At spears! They shouted loud and began their wild hunt against me; I ran as fast as possible forget the thorns, rain or thunder. After enough away to feel safe hear a whistle that cut the wind, was a very strong and light network able to trap, motionless once started singing and celebration, as they had fresh food, the elder of the group approached me and whispering a few words lunged his knife against my chest, but then that glorious salvation!

..... I woke up sweating, it was a dream finally I was at home, calm and without fear.

Between books and skirts (Final)

This story starts in a rich school. Susan is an attractive girl, spoiled and only child, she studied at the most prestigious school of their city, attending the tenth grade. Susan is a very smart girl and loves to study and she  gets up every day thinking about her literature class, which generates a lot of satisfaction, this class is given by their teacher Margarita, but she  have been  sick  with chronic tension. One day Susan works in the school computer room with her companions, when a friend comes to Susan and tells her teacher of literature has been hospitalized because of chronic stress and will be replaced by a new teacher.

After a long time the new literature professor arrives in London with great expectations, he is a man of Latin America.  Susan stealthy steps approaching the school and then go through the door, the whole school is in complete silence, what happened here? She asked, instantly absorbed it looked, was the new teacher, a handsome, intelligent and very interesting, she hurried to their place of study.

After a time, the teacher began to interest for Susan. He believes that she is very beautiful. The teacher began to talk with Susan about literature before and after class. He recommended many books for Susan. Initially the topics of the books were about fantastic literature of Latin America. After the topics were about love histories. From these romantic readings, Susan and Ricardo (the teacher's name), began to see more often, not only in school and in the literature class, but also in places of the city, this allowed them to know intimately. At first Susan did not grasp the message that Ricardo gave her when he told of romantic literature and their lives, because she was in a relationship with a schoolmate.

Despite her condition to know that her teacher had lassoed compromising embargoed Susan's feelings, passions and feelings that led to alienating an unexplained trance that went beyond her constant admiration, and likewise he who was in her deep exaltation of the beauty, sweetness, and clear each movement precocious young Susan, endless moments of deities, absolute frenzy, and the encounter with the mutual attraction that ties together and overwhelms the emotions, without a friendlier sign than the inner desire and a cold and distant salutation to hide the infatuation and desire for the amalgamation of feeling, speaking eternal dissimulation.

Susan wrapped handfuls of nervousness and insecurity that often and good humor, as he in his fervent desire to discover it, by making art in she, an unexpected brown envelope following reasons ,  both skins longed as each evening , a conversation wrapped in art, hidden symphony of feeling, each of her five senses will delight in the other unimagined, just him, only she for him, reveling after smile, after the new story that brings to both her clumsy behavior, with no claim to more passionately get carried away with the soul and desire, he stopping every impulse to possess, to care tenderly and walk a true and only time his white skin, a brown chocolate that comes wrapped accurate to describe such an impression, Susan inadvertently  spilled chocolate on his lips, her body shakes and freezes temporarily after finding her warm skin, it seems that they were looking for, looking to each other and kiss, just a causal  kiss, smashing any scheme, leading to an insurgent kiss extensions, worthy lovers hidden.

With the passing of the days the feelings lodged in the heart of Susan and Ricardo did not wait to show what their  mind and body craved daily and what was initially an unexpected kiss became a reason to share a few minutes after finishing the class with the pretext of supplementing explained on the romanticism classic, but all could not stay the same Ricardo longed eagerly to express the fervent love for his student, for it would expect the next encounter with Susan and propose something she never would expect.

The next day, Ricardo wrapped up in his joy was eager to hear the voice of your child and tell him what had prepared for it. He began the journey in his car, in the course of the road a truck that was before him, crashed. This event caused instability in the car of Ricardo couldn’t control despite his many attempts to do so, the vehicle quickly went to a bridge. The car flew through the air to fall into a river. Ricardo managed to escape through a window. However, the river flow was strong, and he was dragged to the stones that were in the middle of the river. At that moment everything became dark and Ricardo felt his death coming, lost his consciousness. When Richard opened his eyes was in an unknown location. Distraught and disoriented got up quickly, finding the young woman, who gently said -calm down please -. After a long talk, Rose explained what had happened. He says he does not remember anything of his life.

Over time, Ricardo decided to rebuild his life in this small town working as a carpenter. One day after work, Ricardo go to deliver an order to the owner of a bookstore, when he arrived he felt something familiar, it was "Love and Passion: A fantasy story", the book that years ago had given to Sussan. At this moment Ricardo began to remember every his life. Oblivious to anything, Ricardo ran with the book in his hands to the train station. From there he traveled to London with the desire to find Sussan and revive their love story.

When he arrived to Sussan’s home, he took a moment to breathe and taking courage, then he knocked the door not knowing what would be found there. After a minute, the door opened slowly, revealing a young child. Ricardo asked a little confused shakily by Sussan Wills. Immediately the boy shouted, "Mom, look you at the door".  A mixture of bitterness and confusion quickly enveloped the heart of Ricardo.

Exact Surprise (Final version)

María Angélica Ballén, Rudy Stefany Ochoa Rosas, Julio Andrés Aragón Ruiz, Óscar Pinto Siabatto

Events in life are good, are bad, and some particular events that cannot be forgotten, it´s the case of two university students, which I will talk below.

Tuesday, exam day.  Jairo´s house:

“What a night! I went to bed at three o'clock, but it´s sure it was worth. I took a shower and drank 1 coffee, then I enlisted my suitcase and then I went to college. Luckily, I woke up on time that morning and I wasn't late”.

On the other hand, in the Vanessa´s house: “Again later… I fell asleep again. I had to wash my hair this morning. Cannot be true, I slept much. Ah, what a trouble, I didn´t study for the exam, it´s the final exam! Sure I'll lose that subject again, it means, I will lose the semester”.

“I'm shivering by sleep deprivation. But it is necessary; I must get the scholarship back. Well, I‘ll study some more while the teacher come. “How strange, she is more timely than an ugly girlfriend. Ha”. Jairo said: “five minutes past seven, this is strange”, then Vanessa told: My God, it's five minutes past seven and the transport in the city is always annoying! “Hey, mister, could you move a little? you are pushing me”. Sure she didn´t  sleep and now maybe she is dictating the test questions. - Well, excuse me, please, could you move? I get off here. It´s seven and quarter.

-“Are you the English IV students? Rita Camelo student's?”
-“Yeah”, students said in chorus.
-“I come from the deanship to announce you that Rita is sick. It was a surprise. Look... the test will be postponed a week.”

Well, there must be. While studying enough, never enough, and I can take this week to study more. The downside, is that it will cross with the final work of Germanic Philology I. It's funny, neither did Vanessa arrived. Later, but she always comes to class. And she neither appeared to study with me. And can not believe that…Vanessa and the teacher were friends. Ha, ha ...

-“What's up, Jairo? I almost didn't arrive. What happened? Wasn´t there test? Have you finished? It's only 7 and twenty-five.”
-“Hi, Vanessa. Be calm, miss Dora of the deanship, came and told us that Rita was sick, and the exam will be postponed.”
-“Lucky me. I hadn´t studied one bit. Jairito, please, help me a little. Look, if I lose this subject I will lose the semester.”
-“Well, okay. This is my new phone number. Call me.”
-“Oh, thank you. Where are you going now?”
-“To the library...”
-“Oh, wait, there goes Yenny ... See you. I´ll call you”.

Tuesday again, English IV exam again, and I didn't study anything. If I hadn't gone with Jenny to study on Saturday, sure I would not have finished at that party. If I had called Jairo, I sure would have studied with him… But no. And yesterday, instead of studying, I began to waste time on Facebook... Ha. Well, dear, let's face the world. Let's see, what time is it? It's five minutes to seven in the morning, and I am arriving to college. I can´t believe it. I didn't studied but I came earlier than usual. -“Good morning, Rita.”-Oh, I hope to get lucky… How strange, Jairo haven´t arrived yet.

Meanwhile In Jairo`s house:
-“Jairo, Jairo, son...”
-“Hmm, what happened?”
-“Son, it's five minutes to seven in the morning. Don't  you have to go to college?”
-“Yes,yes…Thanks, Mom. I was studying late last night .”
-“Well, I’m going now. I left you alone. You will find the breakfast in the kitchen.”
-I'm late. And this is a very important day. Well, I will take a quick shower, I smell out like a monkey. And I will eat something otherwise I will die at eleven o'clock. Let's see ...

 -No way! I did not ask my mom for money... And I just reached for a bus ticket. Well, breathe, relax. The important thing is to get at time to the test. Oh, no, the bus is delayed, what happens .... Hmmm. No, no, no. I left the Philology's work…

If I do not give it today, Elkin won´t receive it later. I will get off the bus. -But without money?...

Well, I will go by bike. “Excuse me, excuse me.” The bus is full. “Sir, here, over here.” And the keys? No way, I left the keys. It's a five to eight. CAN¨T BE. Well, let me see if the spare keys are here. Yes, they are, thanks goodness. Done. OK: helmet, vest, bike and run... And now... rain, rain, and a hole... can not be... a hole, Ahhhh! It's a quarter to nine in the morning. No, I did not arrive at time. Well, I will try. At least, I will talk to Rita. No. It´s awful and Impossible. The worst thing is that today she must submit grades to the system. I lost the subject, I got a poor average. Let me see, I should call someone. And the phone? Where is my phone? No I lost it! NO. Only this was missing…

The next day, meanwhile the two young in the college…

-“Hi, Jairito”
-“what happened yesterday?”
-“Ah...Vanessa, you saw all that happened, a total chaos. I woke up late, I went back home for a Philology´s work, I hadn´t money, until I lost my phone… it doesn´t matter. Will you look at the grades?”
-“Yes, I'm here for that. Rita said yesterday that it will be posted on the door of her office.”
-“Well... Can´t be?”
-“What happened, Jairito?”
-“I got 4.8. Rita absolve me the exam?, must be. Thank goodness! What about you, Vanessa?”
-“Ha, ha, I got 3.2. I reached 4.8 in the test. I will not lose this semester.
-“Good! You were studying very hard.”
-“Ha, ha. You are always so optimistic. I just got luck... Oh, there goes Yenny ... See you, Jairito.”
-“Yes, of course, in this semester, while I worked hard, you were doing anything.”

miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2012

Living at the UN

Living at the UN

When they knew that they had been accepted to study at the National University of Colombia, they realized that there was necessary to find a suitable place to live while the academic life, because there was nobody that could accept them in their home. Mark had a cousin who had lived in a house near to the campus, which was comfortable and suitable to his necessities, it was Mrs. Cano’s house. She came from Tumaco, the hometown of Toto. It was the reason why Mrs. Cano gave him a special price for his room. With an announcement posted in a wall Sofia, Tupac and Diego knew that there were a good and a cheap opportunity of a room, because they had been looking for many other places with no success.


After one month, there was a friendlier environment. However some of them didn’t know some things about the life of the others. And that was the reason why Sofia had the idea to go out with them to a night party, one Friday after classes. Tupac and Diego didn’t agree with Sofia, because they rarely went out on Friday night to a party. But finally Mark convinced them saying that they won’t take them over midnight. That night all of them had a nice time, because everyone could know something about the others. Tupac knew that Diego came from Suesca, Boyacá. “I actually study Veterinary medicine” said Diego to him. He had been living in the countryside all his life, and Diego’s family were so excited that he could study especially what he liked to do.

They were very happy and after drink some vodka Mark and Sofia went to dancing, they didn´t speak anything but their eyes could say a lot of things, in that moment the DJ played the song “I don´t wanna miss a thing” Mark saw the beautiful Sofia and listening the song took strongly Sofia´s hands and kiss her, the kiss was short but for them it meant the begin of their relationship, after the kiss Sofia said “I love you” and mark respond “I love you too” but something were going wrong in the bar. Diego had been watching them and he was in love of the girl, that night Diego drunk a lot after the bad news. He was alone because Toto and Tupac go to home early and the loving couple was very fun in their pretty love story, but the worst thing wasn´t that Diego drink because when he was drunk a guys that were in the bar gave to him cannabis, it was first time that he saw a pot he was innocent and smoke it, sometime after he felling very bad go to home and finally in the morning Mark and Sofia arrived to home, so finished a Friday night party.


Two months after things were very bad because Diego fall in the drugs but not only that were sad either the native Tupac was depressed for the first Calculus test, he failed it and the qualification were 1.5, he had studied hardly but his teacher was Pecha  a guy that knew a lot about math and for this reason were difficult for him to approve the subject but Sofia saw the Tupac´s problem and decided to help him, she was very intelligent and knew how to study for the test of Pecha because she had approved the subject yet. For some Wednesday and Friday at the evening Tupac and Sofia went to the central library and studied for two or three hours after one month the young native was happy, he could develop exercises of high level and he thought that in the second test he could improve the things and approve the subject.


But in the Mr. Cano’s house there was more problems. Toto was in a group of music, she played the “gaita” and practice every day in the house, the nois was too loud and drive crazy at her partners, one night Mark went to Toto’s room and took the gaita, ran to his room and destroyed it, then he put the pieces into a bag and left it in front of the door of Toto’s room, when she arrived at home and saw her gaita in many pieces she screamed and cried for a long time, mark heard her, and he repented of his acts, then he walk through the hall and entered at toto´s room, he told her the true and Toto hit him with a book many times, he only said “Please excuse me, How may I help you?” when she stopped to hit him, she cried again and sat in the bed, then she told to mark that the gaita had been made for her grandfather and it was only in the world, Mark was very sorry and they decided to travel to her hometown in the Colombian coast, then the next weekend after the fight they was with the Toto´s family, when they arrived the mother of Toto was waiting them with a delicious plate of fish, they ate and talked for a long time, when they was leaving the town Mark gave to Toto a new gaita and said “I know that it didn´t made for your grandfather but I wanted to give you this gaita to show you that I´m really sorry” Toto embraced him and smile, after went back to Bogotá and the conflicts between they was solved.


The other problems were solved too, Diego and his addiction were controlled because after the travel Toto saw the situation and helped him, she followed Diego to the section of psychology of the university and there drove him to a good way, about Tupac and the second test all were good news, he approved the subject whit the help of Sofia. The five friends were happy and said that each of one could graduate and have a good job, Sofia and Mark got married and now they´re living in U.S.A.


Bacteria: "the origin"

She was biking to her job, as always. It was a normal day in her life, a day that would not change. Everything the same, everything boring as she used to think. Her name was Susy a little bacteria from Revod planet. She had a really common life as almost everyone in her planet, and as it was pretty small they know each other well. It was something that really bothered her. Sometimes she wanted to be alone or could go to the supermarket in pajamas without worrying about that will see her, but it was an impossible thing in such a small planet. 
Bacteria from Revod planet live in small caves of solid carbon and nitrogen; and Susy is not the exception; she and the rest of bacteria feed principally of water and mutant algae named “puibs”. The transport in this planet could be in bikes of uranium or big bubbles of methane, like a public service.
She does not like the monotony on her life, as she woke up every day, took a shower and shampoo her hair with phylum acid. Then had some breakfast at Jonny`s place, and again to her job. Where she did always the same, watching for the clocks of the police station, wind them, and clean them. I think it is important for you to know that as it was a bacterial planet it is dirty all time, anyway they did not get sick as they were bacteria too, but they needed to be clean.
She worked three long hours a day, and she got exhausted. Revod planet is really far from the sun so they do not have a lot of sunshine, only five hours a day. It is important for all the bacteria to take at least two hours of sunshine, so they would not die. That is why Susy biked to her job so she could take more sunshine in less time. 
It was Tuesday, but not whatever Tuesday, It was Susy’s birthday number 999. She knew that she had to work, but she hoped that at night, her family and friends will celebrate with her. However, in the middle of her job, she received a call that turned her blue; her mother was very sick and needed with urgency a doctor.
Susy went to her mother`s house by bubble (in order to arrive faster), called a doctor. He was attended her mother, and gave her a diagnosis: “Susy, your mother had a strange illness caused by eating puibs in poor condition. She will be ok if you give her some medicine; this isn´t cheap, but is the only solution”. She was saving some money to buy a new bike, " If mom hadn't eaten this puibs, I would have bought my bike" she thought, but then she thought in her mother and paid the medicine; then the doctor said to her that the treatment will be very long, Susy began felling worried.
One day, she woke up and sensed that something had changed. She was amazed because she didn't see anything. She wished that all were a dream, but not. She recalled that she was forced to sell all the furniture, because she had to pay another part of the expensive medicine for her mother. She was so worried about this situation, but she faces it and just move on. She can’t stop thinking about her mother, but she can’t just stop her life that easy. 
Susy wondered everyday about how to get more money for her mother`s medicine. One day she was really desperate, and a coworker told her, about the beach, and how beautiful it was. He advised her on going there to relax, and Susy considered it. As I told you before the planet was extremely small and she could go biking. Once there she wondered why being so close to such beautiful place, she had not come before.

The little bacterium was contemplating the wonderful landscape when suddenly a big and really weird ball appeared in the sky. It moved slowly and looked like if someone was controlling it. She followed the ball until it stopped in a huge manufacture. Outside was an old man bacterium and Susy asked him about the ball. He invited her to go inside, where she could see a lot of those estrange balls. They were of every color, size and shape.

The old man bacterium, Milo, explained to Susy that they were meteorites and he could control it by remote, but some have gone outside the planet and are now flying in the universe. He told her that it was a great option to travel to other planets. He talked to Susy about green planets, poor planets, rich planets, planets full of flowers, planets with different shapes and went on. No matter what else he said after hearing about rich planets Susy was sure she needed one of those.
Susy asked to Mr. Milo if it is possible that she drove one of those meteorites, and he said yes only if she train for at least 8 months, time that she didn´t have. In the eagerness to get money, Susy made a plan to steal a meteorite and arrive to the rich planet mentioned by Mr. Milo. For this, she requested her coworker; his role would be misleading to the manufactory´s guards and take care to her mother while she comes back. Susy, would steal a meteorite which she didn´t know how to use. After 2 days, the plan started and she went out of Revod planet. Unfortunately, 2 hours later, she lost the control of the meteorite, changing her direction. Susy was scared. And so, very quickly, she crushed with a planet´s atmosphere and the meteorite disintegrated. When she arrived to the surface, and went out of the remains of the meteorite, she found a new world, which, she didn´t imagine, it was the beginning of a new life, a future life that will become the human race.