jueves, 12 de abril de 2012

A stormy night

It was a dark, taciturn and agitated night. In the distance I heard the plaintive sound of rain hitting the leaves and the rays are drew on the horizon. For my mind only passed a thing, a safe place to rest and for cover me from the inclement weather.

I ran desperately, my sweat was mixed with the rain that came suddenly covering my body, and I see forward and suddenly the night, the noise, the water, stopped as if nothing had happened, then I could make out a revealing light than it could become my salvation; immediately in my mind just found the idea than that light would be my light at the end of tunnel.

Just after leaving of my thoughtful trance inside world of ideas, I started to run like never before had done, as fast as the Eagle than flew through sky and accompany me in bygone days. Despite of big effort I stamped each one of my strides, my objective still looked far away and unreachable.

Nothing favored me, the time was getting worse and my constant trip with obstacles in the road made to weaken my legs, my back was weak, my heart was beating a thousand palpitations per second and my breath was every time less depth and more frequent, my ribs compressed and expanded, joined and separated; with each one those movements, hurt still more my delicate body.

I found myself in perspective I remembered where was and where I was going. Who was and what would I do. I am a horse without name and nobody knows. I was in a Valley between two mountains, the water rose, I was tired and was after a light in the top of a mountain, than I thought, it was my salvation. Oh my god!!! I had missed energy, I was lost, I thought than would be better relax me and take a rest, believing my hour would arrive soon.

And so, I stayed immobile while the water rose, the rain increased and the wind roared.  Just the past images wrapped in images tending my fear of death and while all of nature conjured to extinguish the flame of my short life, my memories made that in my eyes sprout tears.

My death was imminent, the cold water was immobilizing my muscles and I grinded my teeth. Suddenly came the full moon, a moon that immediately sent me to the eyes of that beautiful woman who calmed my fears in childhood, gave me your love and understanding when I needed it, reminded me of those summer nights we spent together side to side, was my great friend for many years.

In those old days that were so good and the future that even would come, I refilled of encouragement and a smile crossed my face. Suddenly the cold became heat and the gray night, discouraged me so much, it take a strange color full of hope and a little more joy.

4 comentarios:

  1. Thanks Deissy, but remember that this must be also included in your portfolio.

  2. thank you teacher, we will take it in account!

  3. Ok, but I haven't seen a different advance in the blog. There's the same advance as last time (April 18th) and remember that the advances in the blog must be done at least once a week.
    And remember that the story must fulfill the project's guidelines and one of them is to have 1000 words no more or less (yours has 497). This goes in connection to the plot, setting, characters and theme.


    Elkin Moreno

  4. Ok, I like your story as it's pretty intense, but it seems to be stuck in the plot, and I also notice that there are no advances in your story and by now you should have included extra advances to it. Check the file I attached in the mail and keep the guidelines and check deadlines for the project.


    Elkin Moreno
