sábado, 21 de abril de 2012

Bacteria: "the origin"

She was biking to her job, as always. When suddenly it started raining, but she was prepared for that. It was a normal day in her life, a day that would not change. Everything the same, everything boring as she used to think. Her name was Susy a little bacteria from Revod planet. She had a really common life as almost every one in her planet, and as it was pretty small they know each other well, something that really bothered her. Sometimes she wanted to be alone or could go to the supermarket in pijamas without worring about who will see her, but is was an impossible thing in such a small planet.

She does not like the monotony on her life, as she woke up everyday, take a shower and shampoo her hair with philum acid. Then have some breakfast at Jonny place (her best friend), and go biking to her job. Where she did always the same, watching for the clocks of the police station, wind them, and clean them. I think it is important for you to know that as it was a bacterian planet it got dirty all time, anyway they did not get sick as they were bacterias too, but they needed to be clean.

She worked three long hours a day, and she got exausted. Revod planet is really far from the sun so they do not have a lot of sunshine, only five hours a day. It is important for all the bacterias to take at least two hours of sunshine, so they would not die. That is why Susy biked to her job so she could take more sunshine in less time.

Bacterias from Revod planet live in small caves of solid carbon and nitrogen; and Susy is not the exception; she and the rest of bacterias feed principally of water and mutant algaes named “puibs”. The transport in this planet could be in bikes of uranium or big bubbles of metane, like a public service.

It was Tuesday, but not whatever Tuesday, It was Susy`s birthday number 999 in her life, she knew that she had to work, but  she hoped that in the large night, her family and friends will celebrated with her that important day. However, in the middle of her job, she received a phonecall that changed the color blue of the sky into gray; her mother was very sick and need with urgency a doctor.

Susy came back to her house, called a doctor, looked for her savings and took a bubble, to arrive as soon as possible to her mother´s house. When she arrived, the doctor was attending her mother, and gave her a diagnosis: “Susy, your mother have a strange illness caused by eating puibs in poor condition. She will be ok if  you  give her a serie of medicines; those aren´t cheap, but is the only solution”.


sábado, 14 de abril de 2012

Between books and skirts

This story is in a rich school. Everything starts with a wonderful event which will have a fabulous outcome. Susan is an attractive girl, spoiled and only child; she studied at the most prestigious school of their city, attending the tenth grade. She is the daughter of the mayor, his father is very accommodating to her and gives her everything that she need, additionally cares for her and is very jealous of his only daughter. Susan is a very smart girl and loves to study, she gets up every day thinking about her literature class, which generates a lot of satisfaction, this class is dictated by the teacher Margarita, but she is sick by a chronic tension.

One day Susan works in the school computer room with her companions, when Julian the representative of the school comes to Susan and tells her teacher of literature has been hospitalized because of chronic stress and will be succeeded by a new teacher, she gets up from his chair and crying bitterly.  After a long time Susan can overcome this event and get ready to go to classes with the new teacher, she is very anxious to be there. The literature professor it’s a Latin-American man, which arrives to London with great expectations. Susan stealthy steps approaching the school and then go through the door, stops, something amazing happened, the whole school is in complete silence, upon entering the classroom to see their peers in silence, sitting properly and very amazed , - what happened here? - She asked, instantly absorbed it looked, was the new teacher, a handsome, intelligent and very interesting man, then she hurried to their place of study.

jueves, 12 de abril de 2012

Surprise accurate

This is the story of two students who have an final exam the next week. One of them studied very hard every day and the other no studied very much. Half hour before the test finds that the exam was postponed for the next week.
The following days the first student prepare again to exam but he undergoes a series of unfortunate events days before the new test date and not presented. The second student is not prepared much for the test, but she gets to present it. She has wasted your time and hopes study a few hours before the test with some help from friends, but realizes that her friends have not studied much.
Some friends of the first student hope to help to applied the exam, but he never comes. Most of the group gets a big surprise the day of the publication of ratings and they think the hardworking student applied the test after a brief review with the help of the teacher.
Nobody know what happened it.

A stormy night

It was a dark, taciturn and agitated night. In the distance I heard the plaintive sound of rain hitting the leaves and the rays are drew on the horizon. For my mind only passed a thing, a safe place to rest and for cover me from the inclement weather.

I ran desperately, my sweat was mixed with the rain that came suddenly covering my body, and I see forward and suddenly the night, the noise, the water, stopped as if nothing had happened, then I could make out a revealing light than it could become my salvation; immediately in my mind just found the idea than that light would be my light at the end of tunnel.

Just after leaving of my thoughtful trance inside world of ideas, I started to run like never before had done, as fast as the Eagle than flew through sky and accompany me in bygone days. Despite of big effort I stamped each one of my strides, my objective still looked far away and unreachable.

Nothing favored me, the time was getting worse and my constant trip with obstacles in the road made to weaken my legs, my back was weak, my heart was beating a thousand palpitations per second and my breath was every time less depth and more frequent, my ribs compressed and expanded, joined and separated; with each one those movements, hurt still more my delicate body.

I found myself in perspective I remembered where was and where I was going. Who was and what would I do. I am a horse without name and nobody knows. I was in a Valley between two mountains, the water rose, I was tired and was after a light in the top of a mountain, than I thought, it was my salvation. Oh my god!!! I had missed energy, I was lost, I thought than would be better relax me and take a rest, believing my hour would arrive soon.

And so, I stayed immobile while the water rose, the rain increased and the wind roared.  Just the past images wrapped in images tending my fear of death and while all of nature conjured to extinguish the flame of my short life, my memories made that in my eyes sprout tears.

My death was imminent, the cold water was immobilizing my muscles and I grinded my teeth. Suddenly came the full moon, a moon that immediately sent me to the eyes of that beautiful woman who calmed my fears in childhood, gave me your love and understanding when I needed it, reminded me of those summer nights we spent together side to side, was my great friend for many years.

In those old days that were so good and the future that even would come, I refilled of encouragement and a smile crossed my face. Suddenly the cold became heat and the gray night, discouraged me so much, it take a strange color full of hope and a little more joy.

miércoles, 11 de abril de 2012

My first day at the "Nacho"

Today is my first day of class in the National University. I didn’t go to the introduction week, but I think that’s not a problem because it is for people who do not know the locations, and I went there like two times before my graduation, indeed I know the important places there. I think that today it’s going to be amazing! When I did my schedule I didn’t take the newbie´s classes, I chose some classes really interesting, and I probably will know many people from other semesters and other carriers. My first class today is at 7 o’clock and I woke up after my mom says (like every single day): “Simon wake up! You’re going to be late!” after I take my breakfast I went to the principal avenue to take the bus to the university but I had to wait almost 30 minutes because all the busses come so full and neither stop when I asked!. When I was going to get in the university a guard ask me for the card, but I didn’t have it! I didn’t know that I have to show the card for go to my classes and I had to chat with him for a while and then he leave me go to my first class